It's not the LPS that will kill your SPS unless they actually touch it, it's unstable and unproper water parameter most of the time or unproper light. Especially if you use carbon, it won't be to much of a problem. I would avoir any leather though.
I have many LPS with my SPS and softies and I have no problem, never had.
YOu say they are sick, but what exactly is hapening? RTN? STN? what?
What is your salinity? how do you mesure it? calcium? alkalinity? magnesium? temperature?
Especially a high alkalinity can burn the SPS tips or make them RTN or STN. I try to keep my alkalinity between 7 to 8, and as stable as possible so I dose 16 times per day.
The anemones might move if you change your light.
Originally Posted by dc4
Just got a frag of Tyree Pink Lemonade, Tyree Bali Tri Color,
ORA Pearlberry, ORA Red Planet, Shawn Bennett Yellow Tort, and a Plum Crazy and OMFG, these little frags are sick. Most of my tank is dominated by lps and zoas/palys as I have always loved things in the tank that had movement.
I may have changed my mind now, these pieces look downright awesome and I am already planning my next order. I may have to turn to the darkside and convert my tank into a sps dominated tank instead and get rid of my torch, frogspawns, hammer, duncans, bubble, elegance, and the anemones that are waiting for my next set of black ice clowns (first ones were doa  ).
For those that have a mix of lps and sps, what are the chances of everything getting along without killing the sps if they touch? My guess would be that the anemones would obviously be an issue however they have yet to move from their island on the right side of my tank, where they were put and its been months.