Originally Posted by nanomano
Personally, and this is just me.. But If I ever had a tank that size, I would put teleposts below, or add some framing to help support it
that is the problem.. it is a finished basment forour daycare dont have the room just to add a random telepost.. but i will tell you you can jump aroundonthis floor and she dont sway or flex.
in the end i stillhaveto fixthe crack in the tank and if it will be too heavy with stand and sump then ill just cut it up and make it a 120g tank that fits on my existing stand. an upgrade is an upgrade.. the 180 is ony costing me 150 bucks.. the glass alone is worth more if i was to build from scratch.
but when your wife says she would prefer the 180 than a 120 then you find a way to make it work. lol