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Old 12-21-2011, 05:14 AM
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Originally Posted by fishoholic View Post
Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!! I'm so mad right now!!!!!! Grrrrrrrr!!!!! My pencil wrasse was hiding for the past 3 days and I finally just saw him. Then I saw my rainbow wrasse take a run at him so I figure I'd try to catch him and move him to my 80g and I came very close to catching him a few times but now he's hiding again and who knows when he'll come out again!
A few hours after this post last sunday I saw the pencil wrasse briefly and I saw my blue line trigger going after it It dove into the sand really fast and I didn't see it after that. I was really upset with myself for not being able to catch it earlier. Well I finally saw it again today and I guess my Trigger did manage to get it because when I saw my poor pencil wrasse, his whole tail and part of the back end of his body was missing

I caught him and put him in my 34g for now. He looks awful and it seems unlikely he'll make it On the plus side though I knew he hadn't eaten for week so I put some mysis in the tank and he ate it. I feel horrible for him as he keeps trying to bury himself in the sand but without his tail he doesn't seem to be able to Wish I had a crystal ball to see if he'll make it or not.
One more fish should be ok?, right!!! - Laurie
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