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Old 12-21-2011, 03:34 AM
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Originally Posted by The Grizz View Post
Jeff, if you know where the beam is cut an access hole to check it out and put one of those plastic push in access doors, I have 3 or 4 of them around my house.
i was able to see the beam by a basment closet made a small hole its a wood beam not steel but.. the tank will sit over that beam and the floor joists do follow the length of the tank sitting over two joists a telepost with a miniwall is only 2 feet away under where the tank will sit and the tank will sit more towards the outside wall of the house. our basment has the beam for floor support as well as a load bearing wall on the opposite side.. i believe it will be more than enough support wise. il have to draw a picture.

if it doesnt pan out il just revert to slicing and dicing sticking with the 120 idea.
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