So it ain't blue enough eh? Ha ha ok, well let me know what you think of this option:
In this latest version I went with a warmer bin of the neutral whites to mix with my cool white XM-L's. I already have my XM-L's and the drivers @ 2.8Amps which can't be used with XP-E's or XP-G's unless I get very creative, so yeah I am keeping the cool whites, and will just mix in the neutrals. Thoughts?
Also yes you can run XP-E's at 1000 mA according to the data sheet, but probably best to avoid the maximums of any device.
Also true violet is know for popping out the colors in corals as well as it is thought that true violet significantly aids in coral growth as corals use a significant amount of light in the 390 - 450 nm spectrum for photosynthesis. The only spectrum not really covered very well with NW/RB/TV is the cyan 480 - 500 nm range, which supposedly makes oranges and pinks pop. Only thing is that from what I have read, this should be used very sparingly. But it does looks like it may be worth it. I found this comparison on Nano builders, it really helps put blues into perspective.