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Old 12-20-2011, 01:15 AM
BigAl07 BigAl07 is offline
Join Date: Dec 2011
Location: North Carolina, USA
Posts: 75
BigAl07 is on a distinguished road

Originally Posted by russp View Post
The CP is not a trainer I have about 12 rc planes so I thought I would have no problem with the heli's so I started with the CP (wrong) .
That's EXACTLY what I did. I got one at a good price (or so I thought) and crashed it 4 times before I had the first battery ran out. I had a friend come over to help me who is EXPERT at helis (his job is R/C helicopters.... grrr). He took it outside, flew it and while flying it said, "If you want to learn to fly R/C helicopters as soon as I land this one put it on eBay and get you one that I suggest!"

So I sold it (someone got a STEAL because I bought 2 of them complete and sold as a set for less than 1/2 what 1 would have cost) and bought my Blade CX2. GREAT move!

If someone starts out with a CX2 don't be tempted to "Pimp/Bling" it out. All those hop-ups may increase performance but for every point of performance gain you lose about 10 points in stability. I'm speaking from experience. I hopped on up so much it was silly and then I wanted a stable bird so I bought another and left it completely stock. I ended up giving them both away to a co-worker so he could get a head start in starting on R/C helis but I had a blast.

Here's my CX2 running a Bell Ranger fuselage
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