well it looks like i will be waiting 8 weeks to add any new fish as i had to catch my fish and stick them in quarintine. i guess the ich wasnt all gone so i gave my fish a 5 minute freshwater dip in the medication then added them to quarentine wich i filled with water from the display. i then added the correct amount of medication water is blue again and they will be living in there for 8 weeks now. the only fish i couldnt cath was my royal dottyback. hate that guy too small and fast i will be feeding him from the net to help make it easier to catch him. i will also be feeding with garlic soaked food and am getting my 2 cleaner shrimp sometime this week. other then that major disapointment everything is good i got a torch coral a few days ago and it is loving my lights my hammer coral is groing everyday and my mushrooms are neon. my zoas are showing colors they have never shown before and my kenya tree is getting bigger everyday. its a sad day in my aquarium career