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Old 12-19-2011, 01:25 AM
ScubaSteve ScubaSteve is offline
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Originally Posted by MEDHBSI View Post
Im looking for someone in my area that has fixable hose for my return pump its a threaded 3/4 output. Maybe some ideas of were i can find potable strong flex hose instead if nobody has some kicking around. I looked in home depo and they couldn't tell me if there flex hose was potable use or not. I don't know of a price maybe 10 dollars for a 2ft length.

return pump -mag 12
output pvc is 3/4
There is a place in burnaby... If I remember correctly, it's called pacific hose? Probably off on that but thats where I got my spaflex for my returns. I have both 1" and 3/4" flex PVC cuttings left over if you wan them. I'll have to check the lengths when I get home but they should be 2ft).