Originally Posted by Myka
Back off Christmas!! I not ready for you yet!!!!!!!!!
Love the pup pics Greg! Did she end with 8?
Damn I know what you mean there Mindy, it's coming WAY to fast & I haven't been able to get my darling wife anything yet because customers don't like to pay fast at this time of the yr. & she really does deserve something special for putting up with me & all my fish crap around the house.
We did a head count LATE last night and counted 8 but then this morning we got up after only a few hrs of shut eye & counted 9 ......THEN I went up an hr ago to check on her, bring some fresh water & clean blankets did another tail count & had 10. She must have had a couple hiding under her when we did the last count.
If you wondering why I keep saying upstairs it because she likes to have her pups in our walk-in closet in the bedroom. It's where she feels safe & secure & knows we are near by. The pups will get moved out to there HUGE heated house after Xmas when there eyes are open & can move around well enough on there own, until then they get to stay in the house.