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Old 12-18-2011, 12:42 AM
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Originally Posted by Steve-O- View Post
Alright just so i am clear they will be better floating with roots exposed to air under the water then planted in a deep sandbed? If this is correct im pulling mine out since i planted then last night
That's exactly what I'm saying. Do a little reading on deep water culture or hydroponics in general. Of coarse most of what you read or see will involve marijuana but the principals are the same. There are lots of tricks to growing plants. Even 24 hours of light is benificial to growing plants in a vegetive state.

And keeping a spray bottle of fresh water is a great idea. Just ensure that you spray plants foliage in early hours of light on as stoma which are like the little mouths on leaves are open in the daylight hours allowing a spray of water to unclog them of salt creep and the fact that water on hot leaves leads to burning
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