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Old 12-17-2011, 04:44 AM
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Location: Wetaskiwin Alberta
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Originally Posted by Madreefer View Post
Yes it works. Why not get the top back of your new tank drilled, get yourself another lets say 15G tank, put it lower than your display.Get a little internal pump and start a little sump and build a refugium in there. Just let your drilled display just gravity drain in to your sump. Get rid of those cannisters and make the leap to a sump system. It would be some good experience and prepare you for when you do an upgrade to a bigger tank. Instructions too complicated?
I'd love to do that but my wife wont go for buying return pumps and baffles and junk.. I'm lucky to get what I am getting for the tank this time of year
plus I dont have the first clue what I need and where to get it. I do have a spare 20 gallon, that is scratched to all hell. but again, what I need or where to get it I dont have a clue lol
I'm not 'fallow' you must be talking about my tank!
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