I hope 2012 will be a better year for us all in many ways. It has been a really really really hard year for me and the family with my partner stealing all the company assets in Aug of 2010 and having to start from scratch AGAIN, almost losing everything we owned & the passing of my wife beloved father ( what a great man he was, love u DAD ) it has been a up hill battle. We got lots of support & help from my wife's mom & my dad but owe them a lot of cash. I have been waiting for several years to get my settlement from WCB from a serious rear ender I was involved in 2007 which has caused lots of physical pain and major migrains ever since.
I feel very blessed to have a great community of friends here on CanReef, some I have been lucky to meet in person, some I have talked to on the phone and some I have never meet but enjoy conversing with here.
This has truly been the hardest year of my adult life, it just seems like to never stop pouring down on me. The wife & I have talked many time about selling everything we own and just moving far far away from everything to live on a beach some where warm. I am not the type of person to express much emotion & talk about my life but right ATM I a just about to explode if I don't get some of it out in some form.
Over the past couple years I have also been deeply involved with Alberta Ride For Sight on the executive team but it to has started to really get to me adding even more stress to my already stressed out system. So with that being said I had to resign my position as Assistant Chairman, which really sucked.