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Old 12-15-2011, 04:38 PM
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jostafew jostafew is offline
Join Date: Apr 2010
Location: Abbotsford, BC
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Hey, finally another topic I have some experience with! I've been flying CP helis for about three years now, currently have a Trex 450V2 clone and Trex 500 TT clone. Also fly fixed wing but that's just kiddie stuff

If you're starting out and want to try a FP heli have a look at the Blade SR120

It's big enough that it can be flown outdoors, and since it's a single rotor heli it'll behave more like the CP stuff when this one gets easy. Of course as mentioned before the coaxial stuff is easier to start with but I think you'll get tired of it pretty quick (greasing the landing is only fun so many times!) Being an E-flite product you'll be able to get parts locally which is important. This one will take a rough landing and fly again unlike its more complex CP big brothers, but eventually something will break when you bounce it off a tree or a brick wall hahaha. I have a co-worker in Calgary with this model and he's been quite happy with it. It takes a beating and keeps flying, just has to replace the occasional main blade or the like. I find the smaller MSR to be kinda twitchy and gets blown around a little too much outside so I'm not sure I'd recommend that as a starter.

If you find that the price tag on the 120SR is a little steep (compared to reefing equipment it's pennies hahah) you can get cheaper stuff at the mall for $30 but know that it's not gonna fly super well, the transmitter layout's probably gonna be whack and won't translate to a real Tx well, and once it breaks a part it's basicly junk (no support).

If you do end up getting one of those E-flite helis, save yourself some $$$ and go here for extra batteries: Straight from China and dirt cheap!

Last edited by jostafew; 12-15-2011 at 04:45 PM.
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