I know. it's not like I'm losing the program here. I will keep the basement tank unless it sells this weekend. I've just got way to much on my plate right now, I'm seeking a career change. My mom passed away 3 weeks ago, & I'm her executor so we're gonna be away almost every month for the next 6 months. Every time we go away it's a pain to have someone tank sit. So I think it's best for the current tank, & my sanity

to shut it down. As for selling the big one, if it goes it'll make our future, bout 2 years out, way easier.... We've had a long term plan to live abroad for at least a year, hopefully indefinitely. We have plans to move to thailand or bali & try to get into the dive industry. As much as I love having the tank it's gonna have to come down in a couple years anyway. So that's basically it & the constant frustration I've been dealing with since july-aug.. Thx.