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Old 12-14-2011, 08:09 PM
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vanreefer vanreefer is offline
Join Date: Aug 2004
Location: S Surrey/W.Rock
Posts: 649
vanreefer is on a distinguished road

I usually get my old man to stop in and check on the tank... but without fail there is always a power outage or something... i always come home to some sort of casualties... I also alert my LFS that I am going away and to expecrt the phone call from my father... I came come to realize loss is just part of any vacation... I have recently added an Apex controller... so at least I'll know what to expect when I get home LOL... oh and I make sure I bring home a nice bottle of scotch so my Dad won't refuse to take care of the tank next time

Originally Posted by b_james View Post
What do you guys do when you go on vacations (say a 2 week vacation)? I would assume you have someone come to the house every so often to check up on things. But how often. Also would it be worth it to invest in a controller with web access? Look into a local Aquarium maintenance service?

My tanks is a 150 Gal cube with a sump, 5 gal Tunze water top off (lasts about 5 days). PH controller, dual heaters.
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