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Old 12-14-2011, 05:21 PM
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Originally Posted by Chaloupa View Post
Yeah, we've tried that....but they still hang out on the left side...that's also where the door is into the store......but maybe I'll try it again! ANYTHING! LOL....unless they're stuffed FULL they hang out there all the time!

On another note, really thinking I want a Powder Blue Tang in there, possibly try adding my Orange Shoulder again as he has grown well.....I have both tangs in the store....but should've done it when I put the tank back together.....I have 2 Yellow's that fight allllll the time....and the rest don't care...there's 6 in there but 2 have issues! Reason I want to add the Powder blue is that he is fat, healthy and we really don't have blue in the tank....I also want to add the blue spot jawfish we have but there is one area of the tank that is still uncovered and for sure he would get out! ARGH

Sarah What i have done with great sucess is having a mirror by one of the tanks. This will help withthe agressive tangs. It has worked flawless for me and others. might want to give it a try..
180 starfire front, LPS, millipora
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