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Old 12-14-2011, 04:22 AM
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Originally Posted by Trabby View Post
11 year old daughter has bath, wants tunes, gets ipod, gets ipod wet, ipod glitches and dies before the fact that is got wet is known, HOLY HELL!!!! daughter has dramatic breakdown, mom wants to vomit. WTF?! Seriously?! take deep breath and try to find cheap used ipod...... ughhhhhhhhhh
Sounds like natural and logical consequences to me. If she wants another iPod she should have to save up her allowance to buy one herself. By just giving her another one you are teaching her that it is ok to do something wrong and someone else will bail you out and you can get away with it.

I understand it was probably wasn't done on purpose and was a mistake but if a person doesn't have consequences for their mistakes how is that person supposed to learn anything.

Take it from me, my parents created a spoiled monster (mom says I wasn't so bad but I think at times I was) and I wished there was times were they didn't give in so much. Don't get me wrong at the time it was great but as an adult I still have trouble with people saying no to me and not getting my way or what I want when I want it.
One more fish should be ok?, right!!! - Laurie

Last edited by fishoholic; 12-14-2011 at 04:32 AM.
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