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Old 12-14-2011, 12:39 AM
ReefOcean ReefOcean is offline
Join Date: Apr 2009
Location: Ridge Meadows
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Default LF 20WX14(or so deep)X?tall Tank - Van

I have a stand that is 24X24. It has a 21 Inch opening to fit a sump. I currently use a 10 gallon for a sump but since part of the display drains if there is a power outage (Beananimal siphon overflow) I can only have about 4 inches of water in the sump or else it will overflow if the pump fails/ loses power.

So I need a deeper and/or taller tank that can't be more than 20 inches wide.

20wX14DX18T would be optimal but I doubt these tanks can't be had unless they are custom.

So if you have an tank around these dimensions in the Vancouver area, PST with specifics.


Last edited by ReefOcean; 12-14-2011 at 02:21 AM.
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