I have a 6 foot Hamilton fixture for sale. SOLD
90 Gallon Hagen tank (drillable, but not drilled) - Very good condition, black silicone. Was going to use this as a sump in my new setup, but plans have changed
- $140.00 on the right in pic.
2 X 4 ft 70 Gallon Tanks - Could be used as displays or sumps. Both drillable
$70.00 each ONE SOLD
Euro Reef RS 250 Protein Skimmer - was going to use this on my new setup, but it's too tall to fit inside my stand (30" tall) -
$100.00 (DOES NOT COME WITH PUMP) - a needle wheel pump is needed (Sedra KSP5000 works great). PENDING SALE
2 Gen-X PCX40 return pumps - 1190 GPH
One is brand new in box -
One has 6 months use on it -