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Old 12-12-2011, 12:09 PM
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Originally Posted by Seamazter View Post
Heres a nice tip, works for my last 2 skimmers anyways.
When it keeps collecting stuff and overfills too fast i place the cup on so the bubbles are where i usually like them.
Basically a move the cup over a bit without screwing it or latching it down.
Shift the cup a bit and let some spill off over the skimmer.
move the cup and let it balance there.
This will remove more crud and less water.

Hope you can move the cup off center a bit on your type of skimmer.
Usually the next day or two its got enuf crud that i can replace it as normal.
Thanks I'll try that. I do realize that the skimmer
Is just pulling the excess out but this may work. Thanks again
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