jorjef, you are in Regina. We are in Winnipeg. There's a fair amount of info that has been going around for some time among local aquarists about this subject. here is the link that lists the full CITES control list-- species for which you can get permits.
Please note scleratinia rock is not on that list.
As for two people crucifying a business-- had you seen the posts on the local fish forum for the few hours the thread was active before it was shut down, you would know the local fish community was pretty p'd off with this guy.
It would be useful if you were to try to form your opinions based on solid information.
125 gallon reef, vertex 200 lights, 40 gallon sump/refugium, 2 Deltec skimmers, Mag 12 return pump, Koralia 4 Wavemaker.
(125 gallon freshwater discus planted tank. 40 gallon discus spawning tank, 35 gallon discus spawning tank)