Thread: Outraged!!!
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Old 12-11-2011, 04:49 PM
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Originally Posted by mark View Post
other thing that gets me on this was if he had actually gotten that permit, which I'm sure they do give, we all would just continuing happily buying the product.

In other words, we're all okay with the raping and pillaging the environment as long as the paper work is in order???
He imported endangered species for which you cannot get permits. The permit system is designed to prevent people from importing such species. If the paperwork is in order, the species is not endangered or threatened.
125 gallon reef, vertex 200 lights, 40 gallon sump/refugium, 2 Deltec skimmers, Mag 12 return pump, Koralia 4 Wavemaker.
(125 gallon freshwater discus planted tank. 40 gallon discus spawning tank, 35 gallon discus spawning tank)