Thread: Outraged!!!
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Old 12-11-2011, 04:28 PM
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Originally Posted by jtbadco View Post
Well, I've been to the store a few times and he was never friendly. Never offered assistance in the store. When I asked questions I got terse, 1 word answers, like he couldn't be bothered.

And the problem wasn't that he just didn't get permits or that they were for the wrong date. He brought in 20,000 lbs of rock that you cannot get permits for. And seahorses, and clams.....were they for his fence too?!?
It's all BS. He tried to cheat and he got caught. I'm sure there are lots of guys in prison who are really great guys once you get to know them. HA, get real.
hmmmm was that last statement Get real for them or was that for me.
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