Thread: Outraged!!!
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Old 12-11-2011, 04:06 PM
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Originally Posted by Myka View Post
I had no idea that this was still ongoing. I knew about it in 2007 when he was charged, but never heard anything afterwards so I actually thought the charges were dropped. I can't believe it took so long to get a conviction.

Grizz...I'm also glaring at my two SWC skimmers now. Too bad I can't afford to replace them right now or I would smash them. If anyone wants to donate to replace my SWC 180 cone I will happily smash it. Maybe Mike could help me get an AK to shoot it with! Oh, or maybe a bazooka! BOY would that be fun!

Oh ya Myka the AK what one do you want
AK 47
AK 74
C-7 semi auto
C-6- medium full auto
C-9 light auto
C-3 sniper rifle
C-8 with the heavy barrel retrackable stock
TOW missle

I think if you read this and look who its coming from, MYka AKA Mindy is playing around Come on she isnt going to smash her skimmers. she is joking. On another thought thou I have known Jayson since 2001 when I first got into the SALT WATER hobby. He is a great guy at first meeting him I told him in his hous. I know nothing what do I need should I buy this and this and this. NO Mike its not going to work you are wasting your money. what ABOut Lighting I want to grow this stuff I think. Jayson would take me over to his tan kand state this and that. OK. got it. NOw that Jayson is well under his way. Getting Cities really isnt a huge hassel. and I have been in his store when he receives massive shipments I mean Massive shipments. and this guy is well organize he has this and that. Im not defending him or anything what he does is his bussiness but seeing what he makes and what he sells if pretty decent. But to bring in 20,000 lbs of Rock and try to hide it on a well known flight that carriers that stuff in, not only to leave a 3rd world country ,but stop in the USA and switch flight and a load list thatis checked by customs, and then flies in to Canada to be stopped and then where is the Cities. where is the first Point of contact to check the paper work.

U can't assume that that type of paper work isn't going to be checked that is crazy. I have also heard that the cities thathe was suppose to have was infact done and the right weights of rock was too. it was for the wrong date. either way the guy had all the paper work in tact. wrong date come one that comes from the other end not here. But who has actually met Jayson in person. other then just talking to him on the phone.
180 starfire front, LPS, millipora
Doesn't matter how much you have been reading until you take the plunge.
You don't know as much as you think.