Originally Posted by Leah
Okay he did what he did. But if he was selling the stuff for a bit cheaper, I wonder how many of us would have bought it and happily put it in our tanks.
Probably almost every single one of us! Knowing it was obtained illegally would drop a few out...If all he needed was a permit what would the advantage be to him not to get one? are they overly expensive? would he be not allowed to import as much? just curious because I have no idea what would have driven him to take such a risk?
I hate to say it but again we all sit here as "holier than thou" and condemn him as we sit and admire our pretty tanks. If it was as simple as "paying" the government for a permit this guy is guilty of being an idiot BUT we would have been enjoying the rock as we speak if he did. But no he didn't go through the proper channels and now the sentence of this forum would be to stone him, drive him out of business, black list his name and products and feel much better for it.. as we walk back to have another look at our pretty little tanks....