I had suggested the Aquarium Society, which runs the WFF now, issue a public statement (i.e. to the media) decrying the actions of the Fish Forum member (and that should be corrected immediately IMO) and noting that responsible hobbyists are disgusted by this sort of thing.
He didn't just import plants without a permit-- he imported endangered species for which you cannot get a permit.. and in sufficient volume that you have to know he was not just selling it locally through his little shop. And more than once. He was convicted on 18 counts, so I think it must not have been just the 2007 incident. They went his files and found evidence of many more such imports.
This would have been an opportunity for the Winnipeg aquarist community to distance itself from this guy and to provide a little bit of education to the public about how to have a tank that does not rape the environment.
I don't know what's going to happen with that suggestion.
But at the very least, I do hope Winnipeg hobbyists put him out of business by drying up his customer base. Thing is, how do you dry up his online business?
125 gallon reef, vertex 200 lights, 40 gallon sump/refugium, 2 Deltec skimmers, Mag 12 return pump, Koralia 4 Wavemaker.
(125 gallon freshwater discus planted tank. 40 gallon discus spawning tank, 35 gallon discus spawning tank)