Wow Thanks guys! Although it really is nothing to brag about, I just thought it was fun to share a pic or two of my little mom and pop clowns with eggs.
Originally Posted by fishytime
its about time!.......I dont doesnt look as bad as you are making it out to be, in fact, it looks pretty dang wanna see bad?..... you should see my little tank  .....still got those shrooms, I see.... I love those rhodactis.....
Nope couldn't part with the rhodactis - just love them and they FINALLY started to grow and spread! Now I have three!
Originally Posted by BMahura
Tank it looking great Carmen. I love the wrasse. What kind is it?
Yes Melanarus! And a truly neat little fish! Great color and always zipping about the tank! Kevin at RC brings them in fairly regularily.
I have another really pretty little wrasse from RC but just can't get a pic of her. Shy as soon as you approach the tank she disappears. But she's really bright. Don't know what she is though...
Originally Posted by The Grizz
That cube look bangin Carmen. Only thing is........ Where the helz are you & Laurie finding all the maxi mini's?
The Maxi Minis are from RC again ofcourse!! Only thing is my little neon one is scrunched into a crevixe and you can't really see it! Very frustrating! I also picked up a porcelain anemone crab with hopes it would stay on one of the mini nems but it dashed for the giant RBTA as soon as it could! So I rarely see it now.
Red Coral Online Store
45 Gallon Cube with 10 Gallon Sump, Lighting 8 bulb T5, Vertex IN 80 Skimmer
-2 Occelaris Clowns, Engineer Goby, RBTA, Peppermint Shrimp