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Old 12-08-2011, 02:03 AM
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Coralgurl Coralgurl is offline
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Originally Posted by The Grizz View Post
I have friends in low places that would do anything for me ( 2 letters - H.A. ) but it would eventually get back to me as I have the most motive for it so I can't go there. I have decided that I will just sink his company legally & boy oh boy so far its working, I caused him to lose a $1.2 million contract due to a no drug policy. Now the company that gave out the contract is suing him for 20% of the contract.
My bro had the same thing happen to him in England, partner stole the company, he went into the office over Xmas break and everything was gone. One guy ended up in jail, the other went to austrailia. Bro restarted the company and just signed a $6 mill contract last week and in line with master card partnership. He maintained his dignity and all former clients came back once he was up and running again. Scumbags always get theirs in the end.

Congrats on the job Denny!
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