My drab and boring tank is now bursting with life. I like to think that the school of Blue streak cardinals was the key, the dispar anthias hang out with them and all the other fish seem to swin in their proximity. I'm finally starting to feel like this long wait is worth it. Still missing a few key pieces but they'll show up shortly. Sorry about the colors in the photos - not sure how to get it less blue.
Stock list so far:
9x Blue Streak cardinals
7x Dispar Anthias
2x yellow tangs
Purple tang
Powder blue
Regal Blue tang
Orange Shoulder tang
Spotted Bristletooth tang
Metallic foxface
Copperband butterfly
rosshatch trigger
Majestic angel
Flagfin angel
Flame angel
Clown fairy wrasse
Mystery wrasse
Golden head sleeper goby
Lawnmower blenny
Mandarin goby
Bangaii cardinal
2x Black bar chromis
Ocellaris clown
Linked are previous posting of the setup. I haven't been keeping great tracking of the updates unfortunately.