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Old 12-07-2011, 12:14 AM
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Originally Posted by Stones View Post
Thanks Levi, I suspected you were likely feeding or dosing the tank with something to get such good growth out of your zoas and palys. I'll have to start feeding my zoas to see if I can duplicate your results or at the very least, keep my zoa frags from slowly withering away.
Your very welcome, please keep me updated with the results and what you decide to feed them. Always nice to compare and contrast what works well for others.

Originally Posted by BlueTang<3 View Post
I have learned lots about the zoa/palys in the last few months. I had never had success with any until recently, I am now keeping around 32 different varieties in my frags tank of my zeo vit tank so have extremly clean water. I have them about 3 inches from the top of the tank running a vertex illumina 200 light and feeding heavy with acan plus, ora frozen food and dried and frozen cyclopes and they have exploded.
Good to hear your laving good long term results with LED's so far Wes, where are you picking up the ORA frozen food if you don't mind me asking?
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