Skimmer etc offline, fish breathing heavy..probably lack of oxygen and the fish died. Was there any sand moved? There could have been some gas trapped and that was released.
If ammonia was 0 then it's the only thing I can think of. Are you sure your test kit for ammonia is good? because I am surprised that you did not have a mini cycle by doing this tank move. I would buy some Seachem Prime and treat the water for a week or two while the biofilter is establishing.
Can it be a mass of bacterias dying from the bioball?
Hope you don't keep your temperature too high because that will only make anything else worse, ammonia if present, lack of oxygen etc...
Originally Posted by Pinchy
Hello all,
I require your help. I attempted to move my 55 gallon to my new house where i had an empty 75 gallon bowfront setup. I had premixed saltwater two days in advance (30 gallons) I have moved all of the water and LR into the new tank as i wanted to keep parameters as stable as possible. Before introducing the fish I waited for the temperature to match the holding tub the fish were in, then started the acclimmation process. I then added the fish and they were fine for the first night. The following morning i noticed the fish were respirating heavily (over 100x per minute) particularly my Yellow Tang / flame angel. The yellow tang has now passed away... This is the first SW fish i have had die since starting the hobby a year and a half ago. It is a very sad day.  The yellow tail damsel, cardinal and sandsifter goby are attempting to eat, the others show minimal interest.
I am stumped as to why this happened. The only thing that i have changed is added a Fluval 304 with fresh filter media to remove the floating particles.
in the filter is Floss, Carbon, Bio Balls & GFO.
Parameters (tested when i introduced the fish two days ago & last night):
Ammonia: 0
PH: 8.2
Nitrite: 0
Nitrate: 20
The only thing else to mention is my sump / skimmer hasent been online the last few days as i need a few parts for it before i can get it running. There is a TON of surface agitation with the 304 and X3 Koralia K1's pointing up at the surface.
PLEASE HELP i do not want to lose anymore fish. Is there anything i can add to the tank in terms of additives?
Thank you for your time.