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Old 12-05-2011, 09:25 PM
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Originally Posted by ljlach View Post
I really want to add some pulsing xenia, but can't find any at the pet store. Please Edmonton city replies only as I have limited access to a vehicle. Am willing to pay, as I do not have any frags to trade.
Red Coral will be your best bet, Steve is a really good guy to deal with and can frag just about anything in his store for you, I did see a few frags there yesterday, so I would give him a call to see if they are still in stock.
Red Coral Aquariums
12046 Fort Rd.
Edmonton AB
Phone: (780) 378-0076
Great customer service and advice on any level, plus he's a super honest guy, if he doesnt think it will go well in your tank, He won't try to sell it to you
I'm not 'fallow' you must be talking about my tank!
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