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Old 12-02-2011, 03:25 PM
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oyf709 oyf709 is offline
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Default FS Reef Octopus BH 300F Hang-on-back Protein Skimmer Vancity

Came to me with a package of a craiglist purchase. I was thinking about put it in my sump but end up a bit too tall.
asking for $100 or OBO
Reef Octopus BH 300F Hang-on-back Protein Skimmer
some reviews here

It is a pretty large consider for a HOB.

Shot me a PM if you are interest.

I also want to sell these rocks just in case someone want them, just want to get rid of them for more spaces. Let me know. all these price are obo

3x base rocks and they are all 15-20lb and will need to be wash as they were left outside for sometimes.
Rock 1 Approx.
12"x9"x12" asking $15

Rock 2 Approx.

13"x10"x5" asking $20

Rock 3 Approx.

16"x13"x8" asking $25
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