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Old 12-02-2011, 02:46 PM
Werbo Werbo is offline
Join Date: Oct 2003
Location: Victoria, BC
Posts: 436
Werbo is on a distinguished road

I mix IO and RC. As Myka mention IO calcium is around 360-380. RC calcium is about 450. mixed at 50/50 calcium comes out at 410 but Alk is still a little high for my liking at 11 dKH.

Warning: I have heard that mixing salts can cause "stuff" to precipatate out but so far IO and RC mix just fine.

Oceanic salt is cheap, has a lower dKH but is also high in calcium. I may try mixing Oceanic with IO but the closest I can find Oceanic salt is in Bellingham.

*I'm gonna try bringing 100lbs of white powdery stuff across the border and tell the gaurds it is for my fish tank
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