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Old 12-01-2011, 09:40 PM
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Zoaelite Zoaelite is offline
Join Date: May 2007
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Zoaelite is on a distinguished road

Originally Posted by fishytime View Post
is that cuz it roared all over your walls and carpets?
No my Hydor decided to roar all over my walls & carpet, the Vertex is a beastie because of it's amazing skimming ability. Pulls out some pretty nasty crud and has worked like a top since day one.

Originally Posted by lastlight View Post
I think your pics are looking a lot better under the radions. Not quite so psychedelic but truer and very vibrant. When I'm ready for zoas I need to pay you a visit I think =)
Thanks Brett, people have said it's more difficult to take pictures under LED's but everything is coming out much crisper. Barley any PS required, still learning this camera & the program though!

Only difference in shooting is the vertex has a parabolic intensity arch while the halides had linear intensity. With the halides I set my camera settings and shot, with the Radions I need to set different settings for shooting at different times (Relative intensity will be brighter for noon than say 6pm and the color spectrum will be entirely different). Regardless I'm loving them, can't wait to upgrade the rear and dispose of my out dated PC actinics.

Originally Posted by reefermadness View Post
Awesome Levi....I see you got a sunset monti now....well actually 2? How is the other monti looking?

love the chalice too.....good stuff.
Funny how things work as I have been looking for an actual sunset frag for a couple years now, I stumbled upon two of them within a month of each other and couldn't resist @ the prices they were going for. It's hard to say for the other one, Devan and I have had a few discussions about it as the base continues to turn more orange while the polyps become more neon green.

Would be the first time I have ever seen a "Sunset" come in from a wild shipment so the odds are leaning towards a supernatural or something similar. I will snag some photos for you next time I'm over @ the house.
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