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Old 12-01-2011, 06:37 PM
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imisky imisky is offline
Join Date: May 2006
Location: Langley, BC
Posts: 243
imisky is on a distinguished road

you can also just grab instant ocean (RC is made by IO) and buffer it with calcium chloride + baking soda to bring the levels up. and it'll work just as well as RC at an even cheaper price.

$38/bucket of IO
2-3+ yrs supply of calcium and alk to buffer the water ($20) it'll buffer a good 3-4 buckets of 160g buckets

salt is salt, IMO someone can argue that there's extra trace elements in the more expensive ones but unless we can test it for cheap we'll never be able to tell what those trace elements are.

if RC or H20 are the only two you are looking at my vote is RC as well
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