I just finished reading through your entire build thread and I tip my hat to you sir! Phenomenal looking tank and you've got some serious mad photo skills.
I've got a question for you though that I didn't see come up in your build thread anywhere. Are you dosing anything to get such good growth out of your zoas and palys? I see you are running a vertex calcium reactor but are you adding anything else or running some sort of ULNS in addition? Do you regularily feed your zoas/palys any sort of of food like reef roids or reef chilli?
I've been trying to add zoas and palys to my strictly SPS reef for over a year now and they never seem to do well. Always start slowly shrivelling up and withering away shortly after adding them. Any tips would be appreciated seeing as you have a very similar setup to what I'd like to achieve.
Do or do not....there is no try.