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Old 12-01-2011, 04:20 AM
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Default Craigs 29G Tank Move / Sump Upgrade

I guess i will start with a little about my tank. I started it about 3 years ago, went into a LFS with my gf just to "look" and ended up taking home my 29g gallon system.

So far i have had many ups and downs during my reef keeping, (mainly due to 3 mantis shrimp that decided my tank would make nice new home). In the end my battle with aipitasa, bubble algea and everything else have been out weighed by the pure enjoyment of watching my tank grow, watching how the tank changes once the lights go out and it was also pretty cool watching my BTA split.

Moving on, recently i purchased a new home so that meant it was time to move my tank. It was at this point that i decided a new stand and a new upgraded tank set-up was in order. A few months back Leon71 and myself began making our stands. (he has a tank journal as well. )

Last edited by crehman; 12-02-2011 at 12:50 AM.
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