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Old 12-01-2011, 03:49 AM
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TimT TimT is offline
Join Date: Nov 2001
Location: Courtenay, BC
Posts: 600
TimT is on a distinguished road

Hi Everyone,

Thanks for the interest in the product.

Cyano Starver is the first version of the product without the buffer. I changed the name to Foz Down because it also works in freshwater and ponds. I have also added a trace amount of buffer to the Foz Down. The web page for the product will be up shortly.

As with all of my products, they are produced because I use them myself, found them to be effective and reef safe, so I produced them to help hobbyists.

About a year ago I switched from High Capacity Granular Ferric Oxide to the chemical behind Foz Down. I was tired of the monthly expense of 3 lbs of High Capacity GFO to remove phosphate from my coral grow out system. Since I feed heavily it generates a lot of PO4. Since switching to this product I have not had to use any HC GFO. I add the Foz Down directly to the 135 gallon sump and let it settle out. I test for Phosphate using a Lamotte Smart Colorimeter. I have been doing that for over a year.

Since a picture is worth a thousand words here is one of a small section of the grow out tank. I took this pic on the 28th Nov 2011. Check for yourselves how colourful the corals are in a tank with Foz Down used for a year+. Granted I use 400 watt 20k Radium bulbs and have low nitrates.

Most companies do not list ingredients for their special formulas. A couple that quickly come to mind are Kentucky Fried Chicken and Coca Cola. Numerous other foods have a listing called "spices".
