Seachem products perplexing
I've found some of the SeaChem products/additives to be perplexing and confusing, especially around their Calcium and Alkalinity products. I'm setting up a new reef tank and am wondering what additives I should be purchasing and keeping on hand or adding on a regular basis. (I happen to be a fan of Seachem products, unless someone tells me otherwise). Seachem has several calcium products which kind of seem to do the same things, but each a little different... and thus the confusion. They have Reef Calcium, Reef Complete, Reef Fusion System, Reef Advantage Calcium, etc. Then for Alkalinity products they have Reef Buffer (which also raises Alkalinity), Reef Fusion System, Reef Builder, Reef Carbonate. Then Seachem has the Reef Fusion System (1 and 2) which is suppose to raise Calcium and Alkalinity. So can someone shed some light on what I should be using in what will become my new reef tank? Should I use the Fusion System 1 & 2, as opposed to separate Calcium/Alkalinity additives... and if so, which particular additives? Also should I be considering purchasing other products like Reef Magnesium, Reef Complete, Reef Builder, Reef Plus, Reef Trace or are some (or all) of these overkill?
150 Gal Cichlid tank, 55 Gal Cichlid tank, 42 Gal Hex Tropical tank, 2 Fluval Edge Tropical tanks.
And... 3 Miniature Schnauzers