Originally Posted by The Grizz
Well whatcha waiting for......someone to do it for you.......didn't you have that on Doug's to do list for the weekend.
Dam I knew I was forgetting to add something to the hunny do list

My issue ATM is that my couch is too comfy. It's exactly one week today since I last did my water change so I should move my butt and go do it, however did I mention how comfy the couch is?
Originally Posted by fishytime
her system is her system.......besides.....I was busy putting together another system for her to procrastinate about doing a w/c on  .....something tells me, once Im up there my role with her tanks will change 
Probably not to much, cause as much as I whine and complain about doing them, I seem to get my weekly water changes done every week. Wereas you do yours less often.