Originally Posted by chris88
Has anyone ever tried growing macroalgae instead of using their skimmer. I am getting feed up with my skimmer and i am thinking about a change?
ive ran more setups without skimmers and using fuges than i have with skimmers lol you may want to consider your waterchange routine then though hehehe
for anyone new i would never recommend not using a skimmer but if youve been in the game a while(like you have) then we learn where the bio load comes from....me personally im not a fish fan, too messy,too risky and no payback...... since i always keep a very low bioload and it stays that way for a long time the only new stuff that hits my tank is corals and media replacement/dosings.
running a sps dominated reef will be a bit harder then what ive always done(mixed reef) so i guess you will have to be extra diligent on what goes into and out of your tank