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Old 11-27-2011, 07:32 PM
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NastayNatron NastayNatron is offline
Join Date: Jan 2011
Location: Calgary
Posts: 162
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Default Update

Ok the PraziPro has been out of the tank for 4 days now. My copperband has eaten 3 muscles already and he loves them. He also started eating alot more brine, plankton and mysis as well. I was still noticing small amounts of twitching so I decided to do another round of prazi. I added the Prazi just a few minutes ago and he shook his head around some directly after adding it so that must mean there are some flukes left. It was nothing even close to the effect it had on him last time I added it. I plan on doing two sets of 5-7 day treatments(depending on how things go) and then remove the prazi and wait another few days to verify I finally got them all. I think its going well all fish are eating good. The leopard wrasse has been perfect throughout the process. It has been 4 weeks now since the fish have started quarantine! Im excited for when this is over!
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