Originally Posted by UnderWorldAquatics
Please dont take offense, if we didnt know more than you, we wouldnt be doing our jobs very well....
I guess that comment should sum up what your saying... I agree with you wholeheartedly, alot of industry players dont have a clue, simply put, "they suck" if they are not willing to "learn" the trade, they should go screw something else up that is less important than living animals....
Im pretty sure Bev knows more about them than I do, I dont dedicate as much time as she probably does to them, I can care for them, raise them, breed them, but could know alot more, on the other hand I know alot about the situation with seahorses, as well as the rest of the industry...
I am "lucky" you could say... I have made friends with a bunch of very key players in this industry and have an "inside line" on whats going on...