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Old 02-09-2004, 12:26 AM
Posts: n/a

I guess the point I was trying to make was that a few people were jumping the gun and making harsh acusations and condeming a store for something that they dont have the whole picture of. I doubt many hobbiests have spent even many hours researching the seahorse subject and situation, their probably are a few that have studied the situation in depth as they seem to be very devoted to seahorse husbandry. Then you have some members that are in the industry and are, "in the know", they have dedicated days, months, years, to research, not hours..... These individuals usually have a much clearer pic of the industry and are a great resource for hobbiests to draw knowledge from. When you are on a first name basis with alot of the biggest players in this industry,(the folks who have touched almost every fish in your tanks) you get a sense of where the hobby is going, and what the situations are. I wouldnt refer to Saltcreeps view as biased, I would call it an educated view. Trying not to be pompas, the simple fact is that I know alot more about whats going on in this industry than you do, as does Saltcreep. Its not meant to be an insult at all, because of our involvement in the industry, and dedication to it, we have access to information that you do not. If you read every article on the planet on the situation, we would still know more than you about it as we have "inside" knowledge.(I originaly meant to use the phrase "inside" knowledge, not first hand) I was just trying to make a simple point with too many words. (trying to walk lightly...)
Please dont take offense, if we didnt know more than you, we wouldnt be doing our jobs very well....
There are a few industry players that wont even visit this board anymore because of the politicts, and stubborn uninformed opinions.... (I take it with a grain of salt, no skin off my butt )
If you were good at your job, and someone who has little or no experience in your field of work comparitively repeatedly told you that you dont know what your talking about(by repeatedly arguing fact), and they know whats up after dedicating a millionth of the time you have to research, you would get annoyed too
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