Very poor plan and indeed going into another disaster. Unless you quarantine all the fish and treat them for ich there is a good chance one of them will be carrying ich again. No point going fishless for 6 weeks only to reintroduce ich in your system either.
So you would need a very large quarantine tank for all these fish and you would need to be ready to treat them for ich, marine velvet or broklynella. You would need a very stable QT with no ammonia.
Hard to do with many fish. If you put them directly into your tank without quarantine, then it is another disaster waiting to happen with maybe something even more nasty than ick.
Problem with trying is that a lot of fish might die in your "trying" which is really sad.
Originally Posted by shiver905
The plan is the way it is because.
I told myself Next time Im getting all the fish I would like at one time and not add fish in one by one or cumplusive buys.
I cant deal with having an established Fish stock and having them die or get pulled in and out of the QT.
IMO the less times you walk into a LFS and buy a fish the less chances of spreading something you dont want.
With this said, I tottaly understand what your saying. I have even given that same advice.
Im going to give this a try and see if it works..
Im not worried about the water chemistry. I just started Feeling the tank heavy. No change in chemistry.