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Old 11-25-2011, 12:17 PM
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If you treated with supposably reef safe product, then there is a very good chance your fish still carry ick. None of these reef safe med are really efficient. If you would have done a Cupramine treatement for 2 weeks I would say yes but not with that snake oil. Not sure what you used next so can't reply to this.

Fish must be in quarantine 4 weeks after the last sign of ick and it is not guaranteed that it is ich free without proper treatment, even if you don't see it. ich come and go, it is part of a cycle. It might be lower level now only to come back with a vengence and kill your fish that time.

Originally Posted by nanomano View Post
I have as some of you may know, a Ocellaris, that had/has ich, I have been treating him for 2 weeks come saturday, first with ich attck and now with.. I cant remember the name I got it from red coral edmonton. anyways he hasn't had an outbreak since saturday, I'm wondering if this saturday or sunday is too soon to stop treating and add a fish? or should I wait? or could I add a fish and continue treating the tank to take care of any possible ich the new fish could be carrying as well?
More fish die from human stupidity than any other disease...
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