Well it has been a long time since I have done any updates for this time. There is some good news and some bad new with it.
The good news is that this tank is still going. I am surprised it hasn't crashed, and I think it is only due to the fact that I have a deep sand bed in it.
I wasn't home a lot during the summer so one of the things I had to do is get rid of my mandarin goby, because me not home, means I couldn't go out when I needed to restock the tank with pods and stuff to keep her fed, so she went to a good home with a big tank.
Next came the fact that unfortunately I lost track of doing water changes and just stopped altogether. I haven't done one since the middle of July.
The really bad... my smallest clown Runt is in fishy heaven. The dumbass decided to jump out of my tank on the eve of Fan Ex2011.. :*( I was in bed at the time and heard him jump and him flapping against something, like fishies do when they flop on a flat surface, but I couldn't find him. I even pulled the dresser with the tank away from the wall to see if he got stuck in the middle of some where to find out.. after 15min he stopped flopping.. I nearly cried.. I loved that fish. Omen is still alive though.
So now I need to find a small juvi to add to this tank.. I am think a BW occi.
Due to lack of water changes in this tank, sps dwindled.. really, I don't mind that.. I like this tank as more of an lps tank any ways, plus they were not responding to the LEDS as much I would have liked them too. I am no longer even trying to use a skimmer on this tank, so that makes a difference too.
In Oct, the tank had a cyano bloom. I left it to do it's thing and just got rid of the excess near the corals I liked and decided to let it kill itself out. It is almost finished now. I only almost lost one torch from it covering the skeleton, but it is the one that the hermits crawled over all the time, so I blame 50/50 on that.
Omen is healthy. No ich, or anything else on him/her.
Torches, frogspawn and hammer are all doing great. Though I think the one has been slowly bleaching, but not getting smaller, so I am going to watch that one.
Acans are doing as great as ever, so I moved my acans from the larger tank into this one today because I really needed the room in that other tank as the rbta clone was beginning to sting them.
Also to a surprise, the three brittle stars I had have triple in size. I now have 10, and they were spawning tonight.. weird to watch the white stuff shoot out from their underside.. wished I was able to take pics of that... but of course battery right when it was happening.. dammit!
So here are some pics from this tank... I am a little out of practice taking tank shots, as I was busy doing other things this summer and my battery was dying.