It's been awhile since I last updated my tank journal. There really isn't much going on in my 10g. My frags are settling in very nicely and all is going well.
I've been thinking about upgrading our ghetto lighting to LEDs, but don't seem to want to spend the big money for a 10g. I also don't have that itch to upgrade the size of our tank, either.
So, in the mean time, I spend a lot of time just hanging around the little tank watching the amphiphods and copepods running around. Coralline algae is beginning to take hold. And something large is pooping in one spot near the front of the tank. I've even seen the strings of poop drop to the bottom of the tank - which has no substrate - so the poop strings really stand out after a water change.
Yeah, I guess I'm at that stage where I'm totally engrossed in observing all the life that came in on the rock and frags. Life is good when it's so simple