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Old 11-24-2011, 02:53 AM
ScubaSteve ScubaSteve is offline
Join Date: Nov 2009
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I've used NeoMarine for a few buckets now. It seems to be pretty good but one thing to note is that it does not have trace elements. Brightwell's take on this is that trace elements are, well, trace and have no proven effect in aquaria and those who are concerned with trace elements will dose them anyways. I've just switched to Instant Ocean for the next bucket so I'll see if there are any changes (in my experience, I don't really notice anything when I switch salt).

The bucket is a bastard to open and it does mix up hot (if you add just a little bit of water to the salt it will steam). Avoid getting the salt on your skin because it can sting like a bugger. When you mix it up it has a sulphur-y/egg smell to it. This is normal. Over all I was happy with it and can't really say anything negative.